
ROMLOAD version 1.99t released

4 December 2006 - Released version 1.99t!
This version supports Cross Blaim, fixes a bug in the Super Lode Runner implementation and more.

ROMLOAD has become a TNI product

22 November 2006 - BiFi's ROMLOAD released under TNI flag from now on. You can find its product page with the latest version in the menu, or by clicking here.

TNI supports Sunrise

16 July 2005 - Created a button with a link to Sunrise, the one and only MSX organisation that exists for us, the scene, the MSX community. TNI wants to make clear our full support for Sunrise, their products and Sunrise' battle against those who wish to damage it. Please feel free to show your support by placing the button on your own site.

SKiLLA returns

1 July 2005 - TNI announces the return of an old member, Jaap O. Mark (aka SKiLLa). Welcome back!

WB2TXT contribution

8 April 2005 - TNI contributed to the development of WB2TXT, a tool to convert WB-ASS2 source codes to ASCII text. It's available at MSX Banzai! and Vincent van Dam's homepage.